Monday 31 August 2015

Shoreham Airshow Tragedy

It took me a long time to decide where I wanted to live and set down roots. I viewed houses and flats for over a year, but it was always Shoreham By Sea that felt right. When I was a teenager and an Air Cadet we helped at the annual Airshow here. Marshalling in the car park and also talking to young kids in an effort to get new recruits and bolster our numbers. We enjoyed the occasion as we were all so passionate about aviation and the RAF. At 19 I took flying lessons in a Cessna and landing her after a night flight was an incredible experience for me at that age. 

To the casual visitor Shoreham may appear a sleepy looking fishing village on the outskirts of Brighton. But there is very much a sense of energy that resonates from the Airport and the classic planes that sore over our gardens in the summer months. You feel that energy as you walk past the high street cafes on a sunny day. When you see the chaotic elegance of the yachts as they gather at the dock and the emphatic church bells that wake us far too early on a Sunday morning. But it has been very quiet here this week.

The growing number of flower & messages. (Photo: BBC website)
My experiences of the Air Show over the years stand out because of the people I have shared them with and enjoying their reaction to everything. I remember sitting with friends at the Bridge Inn and seeing the Typhoon thunder down the river. Watching the Vulcan bomber at a street BBQ with my school pal Lee and his family a while back. This year however I went to work on Saturday in Dolphin Way and was undecided if I would get a ticket for the Sunday, to see the Vulcan one last time.

I did not witness the tragedy that occurred a week ago, a number of texts and calls came into myself and my Mum to see if I was ok. But I was fine of course. My Uncle who was on his way back from Worthing came to a stop at a red light just a few hundred yards away, as the Hawker Hunter stalled while making a loop and crashed into the dual carriage way. In total shock my Uncle needed to ask a Policeman if what he had just witnessed was real.

We understand it will be a long time before we have some idea of what happened that day. The names of those who tragically died in the accident have not all been announced yet. I know one of the names as the father of a girl in my class at school. The girl who taught me and my friends Lindy Hop at a dance class we attended a couple of years back. She loved Jazz because her Dad introduced her to it. Everything I read online and its locality makes it feel so real.

Hundreds gather on Saturday to pay respect and a charity walk to
Worthing Utds football ground is organised (Photo BBC website)
But I was not there, I have not lost anyone close to me. So it feels wrong to think or write about what I am feeling at the moment. Like all friends, residents and those who were present we want to share our support and find some way of showing our condolences are sincere and heartfelt. Tonight I decided to walk to the Footbridge where a Memorial has been created. At night I thought I can pay my respects without feeling that I need to explain why I am there. Just another shadow in the night, among a few people who are more comfortable reconciling their emotions this way.

At first there is the familiar graces of a walk along the river at this time of the evening. The strong smell of mud as the water runs low and a firm August breeze that does not feel as cold as it should. I see a gentle warmth of candles emanating from the bridge and I notice the figures of people walking slowly across. It brings a sense of welcoming that it is ok for me to be here.

As I step onto it the most apparent sound is plastic crackling in the wind. It is testament to the hundreds of flowers that line the entire length of the footbridge. I see people reading notes, letters and poems using torches or mobile phones to light their way. A couple holding onto one another and the sound of tears. There are photographs and colourful shirts tied to the railings, affectionate tributes for the young footballers who were lost that day. Personal messages set upon the ground for loved ones who could not make it home.

But there is something else. A group of friends gather at the centre of the bridge, they light two Chinese lanterns and let them go into a clouded sky. I hear wisps of stories the guys and girls are telling. They drink a toast from the cans they have bought and there is even a few laughs though understandably quite subdued. As I stand and watch the lanterns head downstream it becomes difficult not to fixate on an abrasive white light from Shoreham beach. It reflects weakly onto the river. At first it looks as though the light on the water is just drifting away, but as the moment passes it is still there. Glistening and moving on the tide.

Candles lit on another bridge in Shoreham By Sea - The Adur Ferry Bridge. (Photo shared on Facebook)

As I start to walk home and leave the footpath I am met with the eye watering glow from street lamps and the two pubs across the street. People are talking inside but I cannot hear them at all, there is however a lot of traffic and it enters my mind that we all move at such a pace these days; pausing and taking stock of things can sometimes be difficult.

A life is more than just stories and memories. It is more than emotions and that sense of mutual dependency and thoughtfulness we share. The initial numbness of losing somebody can take longer than we think to subside and that empty spot may never truly go away. But I have always remembered one small thing over the years and I have tried to make it real

What is gone is not as important as what was there. A person can change so prominently the way we approach life, they teach us by the enthusiasm and kindness they bring to the table. The best things we learn from those who have left us, always seem to remain. 

Sunday 15 February 2015

8 Reasons to Hate Dating

Uncomfortably long and illogical shopping trips. Constant phone calls and text, text, texts!!! Waking up tired because someone kept stealing the blanket or wanted to stay up late talking about ‘feelings.’ These are just some of the reasons girls get fed up with me.

At school I remember liking the idea of a girlfriend even more than Hitler wanted to get his evil hands on the Holy Grail. But women are for the most part, more trouble than they are worth! Here are just 8 reasons why dating is the worst decision you will ever make….

1.) Crumb Hand: Date night on a cold winter’s evening will often conclude with a cuddle while you both wait for a taxi or the last train home. This potentially romantic moment when a girl moves in close to keep warm will inevitably result in the sneaking of her hands into your jacket pockets. Lady, you will find no secrets in  there! Maybe a half-eaten Ginster’s Steak slice, an Emergency Pork Pie or the broken remains of a Cereal bar I ate on the way to work. You think I’m disgusting? You’re the one with Crumb Hand!

2.) Music Theft: As far as I know stealing things is still illegal in most, if not ALL countries. Enter a relationship and the concept of owning something yourself goes straight out the window. Soon you will notice things going missing - Jumpers, DVDs, house keys, fruit. The most depraved of these relationship crimes is that moment, months after you have broken up with someone, when you realise the CD you really want to listen to has completely vanished. Even worse when you find the case but with no disc inside. The download generation got this one so right, kids these day know that police never take CD theft seriously.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider..... Not 'Fridge Raider' - buy your own  milkshake!!! 

3.) The Trumpeteer: Farting not only remains a perfectly legal practice in this country but scientifically speaking essential for your health. It’s a tradition our ancestors have enjoyed going back to the Celtic tribes and beyond. Trumping is not always something you have to apologise for. It doesn’t mean you need to go to the toilet or shamefully stand in a cold dark hallway every time you need to pop one out. If I have to sit through another episode of Downton Abbey without sniggering at the old fashioned phrases and innuendo I may need to fart. It’s a basic human right!!!

     4.) It’s Getting Hot in Here! The Arctic Shelf remains one of the coldest environments in the known world, a place where (if you believe greetings cards) even Polar bears wear hats and scarves. The coldest places I personally have ever visited are the flats of some of the girls I have dated. Please don’t get me wrong, we all know what it’s like to live the wrong side of pay day! In my home however the invited girlfriend thinks it’s perfectly ok to mess with my temperature controls. Pretty soon I’ll be wearing shorts in the middle of winter, laying on the cool floor tiles in the kitchen as I slowly melt into the ground. My response ‘No I don’t want a cuddle and if the next word that comes out your mouth isn’t Mojito – You Are Fired!’
Romancing The Stone: A film about a man who rescues a woman from certain death,
 leads her across a dangerous South American jungle and all he gets is criticised 

      5.)The Nightmare Best Friend: Every smart, attractive, funny girlfriend has within her circle of smart, attractive and funny girl pals, one woman who is absolutely insane. The ‘Nightmare Best Friend’ honesty believes the world is against them. That every throw away comment or run of bad luck is a personal attack. She will constantly phone your girlfriend or turn up on the doorstep in floods of angry tears. This gross disruption to your ‘date time’ will no doubt occur at the worst possible moment!

6.) The Nightmare Best Friends’ Idiot Boyfriend: Murphy’s Law tells us that every ‘Nightmare Best Friend’ has what I politely call the ‘Idiot Boyfriend.’ This guy can be a complete A-Hole sometimes. They are constantly locked in a on & off relationship and argue every time you see them together in the most horrific and embarrassing ways. At first this dynamic proves advantageous, your girlfriend thinks this guy is rude and selfish; in comparison you are an Amazing boyfriend! To use a Batman analogy the Idiot Boyfriend plays the role of ‘Harvey Two Face’ while in you are seen as ‘Gotham’s White Knight.’ But after a while the cracks will appear as you cannot hide the way their constant drama grates on you. Inevitably you grab the Nightmare Best Friend by the shoulders and say ‘If I have to listen to any more of your Crap I’m gonna put you and your Idiot Boyfriend in a barrel and dump you in the god damn ocean.’

Batman analogy: The Dark Knight rises…

7.) The Nightmare Haircut: Unfortunately we have all been victim of the Nightmare Haircut. For guys shaving your head with clippers and starting again isn’t so bad. It’s harder of coarse for girls who don’t particularly warm to the prospect of the ‘Ripley from Alien 3 look.’ The inappropriate haircut can put a strain on any relationship as men are inexplicably rubbish at lying to women. What proves to be even harder to deal with is the ‘Nightmare Dress & Make-Up moment’ when your girlfriend walks down the stairs looking like a Goth after an Aeroplane Crash. Please remember comments like ‘I thought we were just going to the cinema’ are designed to protect people’s feelings J

Darryl Hannah & Harrison Ford in 'Bladerunner'
8.) ‘What are you even on about?... Remember those first few dates, going for a pizza, the pub or maybe an Ice cream and a walk along the beach? These will be the most exciting and inexpensive adventures you will ever have. Pretty soon you will be sitting at a Chinese restaurant, digging in to sweet & sour when your girlfriend says – ‘I love Chinese food! Let’s go to China this year.’ Without pause for breath she steers the conversation towards Cuba, Croatia and maybe somewhere else warm for her birthday. Suddenly all her wildest dreams must be made real in the next six months. Your response… ‘Yeah let’s do all of it - I’m so glad we’ve got that money tree in the back garden, plus I don’t like going down the pub with my mates anyway… Had you thought about how we’ll travel? On the back of a Unicorn or errrr… Hogwarts Express????’

‘Love is not Blind it sees more not less
Because it is able to see more
It is willing to see less…’
Rabbi J.Gordon

Happy Valentine’s Day!! Remember if you are looking for excitement and fun, to feel your heart beating uncontrollably through your chest and those moments of perceiving the world in a brand new way. Then dating could just be the answer for you…. or Bungee jumping…. All I am saying is make sure you are aware of the dangers to your health first